why you don’t need to be an “expert” to write online.

14 October 2022

“I don’t have xyz degree.”

“I only have 200 followers.”

“I’m too young / old.”

don’t let your doubts get in the way of sharing your dreams.

you don’t gain expertise by “knowing” alot. 

you CAN be an expert if….

you leverage your experience to understand & solve specific problems your audience is facing.

the power of understanding problems

think about it: if you’re new to fitness, who would you trust more? an olympian, or someone who’s stuck to their fitness goals for a few years but still has a day job? The first person might be impressive, but they don’t understand your unique pain points. In contrast, the second person can empathize with the temptation of junk food & the challenges of balancing a 9-5.

this is an example of the curse of knowledge: in which experts tend to assume their beginner audience knows more than they think. as a result, their mentees get stuck.

this is why teaching assistants and tutors teach you more effectively than the professor who’s been studying the field for 20+ years.

people aren’t looking for someone to take them from A to Z. they’re looking for someone to take them from A to B.

being closer to your audience’s current state = being uniquely positioned to better understand their pain points.

benefits of being a “beginner”

  • more familiar with the journey
  • more relatable
  • up to date with current trends
  • iterative mindset: with a shorter path, you can try things & change / experiment quickly. (short path = less inertia)

the key to success = beginners mindset+ leverage your experience.

beginner’s mindset = learn from everything

  • document your journey
  • read & apply knowledge from “experts” in your space-but simplify it to be relevant to your audience.

leverage your experience

expertise comes from experience:

  • what have you learned?
  • what mistakes have you made along the journey, and how do they inform you?
  • focus on your own individual transformations (comparing past and current self)
  • clarify the problems & pain points that YOU face-others face them too.

don’t try to be a guru.

when you try to speak to everyone, you resonate with no one.

don’t be the 1000th “ultimate twitter guide”

be the: “easy twitter guide for busy 9-5ers”.

expertise doesn’t come from fancy degrees or millions of followers.

expertise comes from experience. so leverage yours.

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