the magic of 10 minutes- a case for resting with intention.

04 August 2022

picture this:

The clock strikes 11:00pm.

You’ve stared blankly at your screen for 45 minutes.

you can’t seem to develop that next post.

you’re THIS close to throwing your laptop into the wall.

Sound familiar?

Now, what if I asked you to get up and take a walk? Or tidy your desk? Dance?

Anything to let your mind wander.

“But Rena, I could spend those 10 minutes doing work!”

Yes, yes you could.

but here’s a secret — resting is a multiplier.

it might appear that you “wasted” those 10 minutes going on a walk, enjoying silence, or drawing ugly art.

but what if you come back more refreshed?

what’s a new idea worth to you?

an insight on your next business?

inspiration after feeling stuck?

what’s it worth to you?

10 minutes is worth the gamble.

10 minutes is a small enough number.

adding 10 minutes to your project won’t move the needle.

the next time you have writer’s block, or hit a creative crossroads, instead of pushing through it, rest.

why this works:

you might discover your next superpower.

resting activates the default mode network. It’s the brain region responsible for making self-awareness and big-picture connections.

3 action steps:

  • write a list of 3 restful activities
  • schedule them into your calendar
  • now, set a timer for 10 minutes and go try one! you won’t regret it.

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