Tag: Process

Seriously Silly

When I started working on this intergenerational project over 3 years ago, I thought that everything had to be super “deep” and philosophical. But as I was testing the Uplift Notes Toolbox, one of the notes I read was: “I learned that Serena and I both liked potatoes and bread as children, even though we are from different cultural backgrounds.” Another read: “I learned what takoyaki was for the first time today,” and a participant told me that these activities were “9 and 3/4 fun!”. Case in point: Not everything needs to be serious!...

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Innovation is like a Slingshot

Innovation is like a sling shot. Sometimes, you need to go 1 step backward to go 10 steps forward. Initially, as a bright-eyed and bold “Gen Z-er”, I thought that “games” would be the panacea for intergenerational connection. However, since I myself am not an older person, I need to be very careful of my blind spots. This is the case for any time when you’re designing for a group that you’re not part of. Consult experts and approach with humility. So I decided to table the idea and go back to problem finding. At first, I worried that I would be...

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Why is there singing?

My grandfather was one of the first participants in the early iterations of the Uplift Notes Toolbox. For context: he is a wise man of few words, and has a calm and grounding presence. One of our prompt cards said “What is a song that  you listen to when you’re happy?”– And to my surprise, my grandfather started singing, not a line, but several minutes! In my 20 years of being alive, I had never heard him sing until that day. There was a childlike joy that was new, yet familiar. His words oscillated in a mix of English and Taiwanese, and although I didn’t...

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Want to start something? Don’t Start something.

If you want to start something, don’t start something (right at the beginning). Problems propel solutions. Trying to rush and make a solution without proximity to the core issues, is like trying to make pizza without a dough–it’ll be a saucy mess! If you want to “start” something, you should first spend some time within an existing organization, because it will give you a better understanding of the industry, pain points, etc. For example, in high school, I was interested in working with elderly, but didn’t try to start a project right at the beginning....

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