Seriously Silly

When I started working on this intergenerational project over 3 years ago, I thought that everything had to be super “deep” and philosophical.

But as I was testing the Uplift Notes Toolbox, one of the notes I read was: “I learned that Serena and I both liked potatoes and bread as children, even though we are from different cultural backgrounds.”

Another read: “I learned what takoyaki was for the first time today,” and a participant told me that these activities were “9 and 3/4 fun!”.

Case in point: Not everything needs to be serious! Of course, there is a space for pensive discussion, but sometimes there’s just as much value in exchanging food favorites and laughing over simple drawings!

It is the moments of silliness that create the trust, that leads to seriousness.

As I continue with this process, I hope to help people across generations embrace the fullness of their personalities. I don’t want to just reduce you to your wisdom and advice: because life is bigger than numbers and todo lists.

Process, Stories

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