Innovation is like a Slingshot

Innovation is like a sling shot.

Sometimes, you need to go 1 step backward to go 10 steps forward.

Initially, as a bright-eyed and bold “Gen Z-er”, I thought that “games” would be the panacea for intergenerational connection. However, since I myself am not an older person, I need to be very careful of my blind spots. This is the case for any time when you’re designing for a group that you’re not part of. Consult experts and approach with humility.

So I decided to table the idea and go back to problem finding. At first, I worried that I would be “wasting time….”

But then…

During my first zoom call, my mentor who was an older person herself but also an events manager told me that when she hears the word “Game”, it turns her off immediately because she feels like there’s an expectation to perform and act cute. My second mentor, who is a retired 1st grade teacher and very involved in outreach for older adults within her community, told me that she resonated with my mission of giving the older adults a sense of impact, so they “don’t just feel like someone you’re playing games with”

Innovation is like a sling shot: by rushing yourself to go 1 step forward,

you’ll go 10 steps backwards.

If I had tried to go straight into testing my “game” without even knowing if I was building the right thing,  I could’ve really derailed the project. Even worse, I would’ve built a product that wasn’t even helpful to the user group I was serving!

Fortunately, I’ve been able to consult with a wide range of everyday experts-be they students, elders, caretakers, or community leaders. To everyone who has ever given me feedback (including tough love!), been a listening ear, or encouraged me in moments of doubt, I thank you. This project would not have been possible without your input and support.


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