How I overcame comparison as an online creator

10 September 2022

Comparison kills creativity.

Imagine how much you could do if you re-directed your self-criticism into self-development.

self development=building your mindset + building your skills.

3 simple tips to try today: 

  1. don’t compare your day one to someone’s day 100.

action step: when you catch yourself in a comparison spiral, ask yourself: “how can I focus forward?”

  1. shift your focus by celebrating your progress.

action step: keep a habit tracker, gratitude list and/or learning log.

  1. commit to consistency.

you are the only person who can control how you show up. be proactive and don’t react.

action step: set a process based goal for one of your current goals. ex: 500 followers on twitter — write 1 tweet per day for 30 days and journal in the morning for 10 minutes.

in closing:

to be a creator, play a different game.

creators play a different game—beyond the algorithm.

the creator mindset=learning from everything.

creating is > than just numbers. personal growth is an infinite path to success, so choose wisely.

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