How to Save 10 Hours a week

Imagine having more time for your goals & things you love. 

What if… you could work less while making more progress?

Say goodbye to procrastination and being overwhelmed by your to-do list.

This workbook will show you simple, step-by-step strategies to save 10 hours per week.

By implementing these strategies, you can make more time for work, studies, exercise, side projects, or simply resting!


This isn’t another 1 of those “productivity guru” books that insists on 2-hour morning routines, cold showers, and waking up at 5am!

I’ll show you easy & effective methods that you can implement today! 

relatable productivity tips for real people.

Satisfaction guaranteed: save 10 hours per week in 1 month, or your money back.

 you’ll get:

  • 9 value-packed chapters (40+ pages)
  • personalized workbook to take your ideas into action
  • journal pages & habit tracker
  • vault of extra productivity resources

what people are saying



It reminded me so much that productivity isn’t just about work & it’s also personalized

The self care ideas table is super helpful! I needed a new strategy with my self care routine and this table is just what I need!




the self-reflection questions are amazing & made me more mindful and aware of my goals.

Also, i love the accountability strategies you mentioned, definitely implementing them!

The information you gave throughout the ebook was more than enough! It’s golden!




I appreciate the clear cut strategies so that we can form our goals correctly rather than passively.

I’m also encouraged by the comments that we don’t have to be perfect or make progress all the time

I really enjoy chapter 8 and the optimistic flip. Very simple examples that are understandable.

Chapter Previews

chapter 1: build your foundation

  • 3 myths about productivity that are wasting your time!
  • SIMPLE tips on how to clarify your goals and build a healthy mindset

Part 1: Work Smarter

chapter 2: set effective goals

  • overwhelmed? EASY framework for breaking down big tasks.

chapter 3: build powerful habits

  • my 3-point checklist for building REALISTIC habits that you can actually stick to
  • surprising truth: why you can rest MORE and work LESS
  • steps to build a powerful self-care routine

chapter 4: celebrate your progress

  • my EASY journaling system takes less than 5 minutes per day!
  • includes my 3-2-1 and morning momentum strategies

Part 2: Save Time

chapter 5: stop procrastination

  • 3 reasons why you’re procrastinating + SPECIFIC, simple solutions for each

chapter 6: block distractions

  • foolproof ways to overcome the 3 biggest distractions
  • stuck in the social-media rabbit hole? my 3 step strategy will get you back on track.

chapter 7: overcome doubt

  • learn to push through perfectionism & take action!
  • what to do when you feel like you’re seeing no results

Part 3: Take action

chapter 8: get out of a rut

  • 3 easy exercises for when you feel like you’re “too behind”.

chapter 9: schedule for success

  • overwhelmed? I’ll show you my simple 2-step planning system.
  • step by step tutorials to quickly set up your scheduling and task lists.

Bonus #1 : additional resources vault

I am also giving you a bonus toolkit of websites and apps to maximize your productivity.

Bonus #2: Workbook + Journal Pages

Let’s take action! This simple workbook will give you extra guidance to break down what you’ve learned into action steps.


  • guided reflection and goal setting-questions for each chapter of the ebook
  • affirmation vault
  • weekly planner page
  • morning journal page
  • habit tracker

Zero-Risk Guarantee

Satisfaction guaranteed: save 10 hours per week in 1 month, or your money back.

Shop for a cause: a portion of the profits from each ebook sold will be donated to Active Minds to support mental health initiatives. 

More Reviews from the Uplift Community



I like the example you provide for color coding different tasks for the week. It will help me be organized and not feel overwhelmed.

The ebook is simple, making goal setting and being successful seem much more attainable




focusing on effectiveness: most of the time, some of us just go through tasks to get them over with. But by being intentional and fully present, you get more out of your time and actually learn something.



the eBook definitely does an amazing job of helping us take the mental pressure off of ourselves while still taking actionable and meaningful steps to hitting our goals and I love that.

Very well put together and thought out and most importantly helpful especially for someone like me with two very small kids still working full time with a business 🙈 lol

Loved it! 💕💕💕


Hi, I’m Rena!

I founded Uplift Notes because I was tired of  “productivity gurus” insisting that you need to have 10 bullet-proof habits, wake up at 5 am, and work 24/7 in order to be productive and successful.

I have been able to balance being a content creator with work, earning top grades at an elite US university, speaking at events with 500+ audience members & being a published writer, while  also having time to connect with family, volunteer,  socialize with friends, create music and prioritize rest and mental wellness.

I want to help you make more time for your goals and wellbeing.

My ebook will teach you the step-by-step strategies to get there faster & with less effort.

© uplift notes All rights reserved.


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