Want to start something? Don’t Start something.

If you want to start something, don’t start something (right at the beginning).

Problems propel solutions.

Trying to rush and make a solution without proximity to the core issues, is like trying to make pizza without a dough–it’ll be a saucy mess!

If you want to “start” something, you should first spend some time within an existing organization, because it will give you a better understanding of the industry, pain points, etc. For example, in high school, I was interested in working with elderly, but didn’t try to start a project right at the beginning. It was in volunteering at a local senior center that I realized the shortcomings of existing solutions (i.e. seeing generic cards getting thrown away) and under-utilized assets (i.e. older adults loved giving advice but also wrestled with a sense of loneliness).

Constraints cultivate creativity.

By understanding what outside factors and systems are at play, you are more likely to create an effective product or solution that is actually applicable in the problem space. So if you dream of “starting something”, know that you don’t need to start from scratch. Make the dough, and add sauce later.


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