How I went from shy, insecure artist to published author & content creator. 5 lessons I learned

23 March 2023

1. You don’t know until you try.

“Hustle culture” didn’t work for me. I don’t wake up at 4:30 am, take cold showers, or enjoy green juices. I still watch Netflix, eat McDonalds occasionally, and sleep in.

As someone recovering from the burnout of “hustle culture”, I doubted if I was “productive” enough to write a book about productivity. After all, I was no james clear, not a navy seal or unbreakable gym bro.

But I still tried:

I posted my first productivity tip in June 2022. I was shocked by the number of comments & support I got. And the rest is history.

I never would have gotten to writing that book if I didn’t take that leap of faith.

Start small. Start today.

2) imperfection is authenticity. authenticity builds your audience

I structured my book to address myths in the productivity industry that didn’t work for me.

Instead of trying to be an impressive “guru”, I was an imperfect guide.

Why this worked :

  • showed my audience that I understood their problems & pain points.
  • Empathy cuts through the noise.

3) focus on the problem

The book is now a source of passive income (i.e. I don’t have to constantly post about it, and people have still found it via my other content.

when you sell, you have to pitch.

when you solve a problem, your audience will seek you.

4) don’t try to do it all.

whether it’s a post, a product, or a project, focus is key.

Even if you have an audience of 1000, write for an audience 1. Write like you’re speaking to a close friend, or your younger self.

When you try to impress everyone, you resonate with no one.

5) consistency compounds

The book took nearly a year to write (including drafting, editing, and designing the workbook).

Along the way, I continued posting to better understand my audience.

There will be days when your posts flop or writer’s block hits you like a truck.

In those moments, zoom out, and remember that numbers are a lagging measure of success.

Discipline and habits are transferrable skills.

Personal growth is an infinite game that you can’t lose.

Keep learning. Keep building. Keep iterating.

You won’t regret it.

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