How to stop procrastination: 4 simple steps

11 February 2022

writer’s block. motivation at a slump…drowning in an endless mountain of tasks.

we’ve all been there. before you know it, you’ve spent 3 hours doomscrolling and the overwhelm compounds.

I’ve hear you, and I got you! Here are 4 simple tips to stop procrastinating so you can start crushing your goals!

1: quick win!

Give yourself a quick win before starting a hard task. Contrary to the “eat the frog” technique, this gives you a warm-up, since starting with a big task can be intimidating.

quick win task examples:

  • tidy your desk
  • water a plant
  • make your bed
  • make a list of 3 ideas to write about

momentum maintains motivation.

2: simplify.

when you’re overwhelmed, you procrastinate.

lower the stakes, increase the odds.

ask yourself: when, where, how much time will I spend on this task?

you can also rank your tasks using the Eisenhower matrix.

3: plan ahead

Ask yourself, “why am I procrastinating ?”

Be mindful of that & take steps to counter it.

example: if it’s boredom, play music in the background or set up something fun as a reward once you complete the task.

4: start with 5 minutes!

Make it a game & see how much you can do in 5 minutes!

lowering the threshold makes it easier to begin.

what will you work on today?

now, get up, set that 5 minute timer and go do it! you got this!

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