The ABC’s of inspiration:  How I stay motivated  as a poet, student, 9-5er, creative & entrepreneur

01 March 2023
  1. Awe.

listen to beautiful music. 

enjoy silence. 

walk in nature. 

pray & worship.

spend time in spaces that remind you of how big the world is. be in awe. be inspired.

Awe helps you zoom out and take the long view.

 now, that “ugly” art, low-perfoming tweet or awkward slip up at a presentation seem smaller, right?

  1. Because of joy.

I’ve been creating for almost 2 decades now. The only reason I’ve been able to do this is because I focused on the process not the product. At it’s core, I create because it’s fun, fulfilling and makes me happy.

Being attuned to this also helps you to identify strengths faster.

5000 followers later & with a published book and award-winning speeches, I still have my days when I feel stuck. 

In those moments, I tap back into the joy. The simplicity of that little girl, all those years ago, who loved making crafts & drawing, sharing her stories with the world.

embrace your younger child. leverage the optimism, the spark, the joy. that’s how you stay inspired

 3. constraint cultivates creativity

spice it up with some challenges!

after all, you can’t have the exhilaration of an epic win if the “quest” is boring & comfortable.

example: write an atomic essay in 5 minutes. look at the world upside down. connect 3 random words & write a short story. only write about 1 topic for 3 days.

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