how I overcame self doubt & started creating in public

16 January 2023

4 perspective shifts

1-approach with a learner’s mindset.

Personal growth is a gift that nobody can take away. 

Even if a post got 0 likes, it was still an opportunity to improve my design skills, learn about cool topics, and build a creative habit.

2-reframe “what if” from fear to faith.

instead of: “what if no one sees this?”

try: “what if this goes well?” “what if I discover a new strength?

by using this mindset, I encouraged myself to still post things that I wasn’t sure my audience would “like”. Many of these ended up resonating (i.e. self comparison post)

3-embrace the challenge

your first post will be awkward. but you can’t get to that 100th “good” post if you don’t start somewhere.

4- connect & build community

social media is-social! so be genuine, be kind, and reach out to like minded folks. 3 deep conversations > 300 likes from strangers.


ask for feedback. ask questions.

you might discover new strengths.

example: when I first started posting, I mostly shared inspirational quotes. It wasn’t until I started getting DM’s about productivity / mindset that I realized it could be a worthy topic.

2 years later, I published a ebook on productivity and now have a community of 5000!

we tend to discredit ourselves & take our skills for granted.

other people can be a mirror to reflect your strengths.

Final encouragement: 

for those who are beginning: keep going, you got this!

no matter how “small” your audience is-you have a unique story to share with the world. keep creating in public-and embrace the potential of each new moment.

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