4 reasons to write online (even if you have <1000 followers) 

14 February 2023

1: consistency compounds

even if you haven’t made a ton of sales or gone “viral”, building a habit of creating will fast-track your future goals.

Building a business. Publishing a book. Being a better leader.

The foundation of these?

Habits, Grit & Focus.

How can you build this?

Build your creative habit.

2: community

By sharing your interests & passions, you’ll connect with others that have similar interests.

3: clarity

By sharing your strengths & experiences (even if you don’t think you’re an “expert”), you build skill.

When you can explain something complicated to a beginner, you understand it even better. (The Feynman Technique) 

4: personal growth

creating online gives you a concrete reason to learn things you’re interested in & share it with others.

creativity shifts the paradigm.

now, every experience, setback, and resource (book, podcast, etc) is storyworthy.

Creative habits build lifelong learning.

Lifelong learning builds knowledge.

Knowledge is the foundation for growth.

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