The Secret to productivity? Have more fun. Here’s how: 

05 November 2022

Picture your favorite game: the exhilaration of crushing a new level, unlocking a new character, epic wins.

now, would you still play this game if there was no data? no levels, no upgrades, no competition: “just for fun?”

probably not.

What makes those games so addictive and fun?

a clear goal & clear metrics for the hero to follow.

when you feel like you aren’t making progress, you stop making progress.

whenever you’re tackling a big goal, you  tend to get stuck because it seems like you are not making progress (i.e. gym, long project).

The key: make your goal, more like a game.

3 ways to do that.

  1. challenge!

constraint cultivates creativity.

every game has a hero’s quest, where they face challenges that unlock new strengths.

here are 3 examples of ways to spice up your goals & add some challenge.

  • set a timer fo 5 minutes: how much you can accomplish?
  • perfectionist? use the “no edit rule” for the first 10 minutes of your draft.
  • try a new form of exercise
  1. diversify your data!

the hero’s quest isn’t only the grand battle: there’s also progress bars & leaderboards.

action step: set process-based goals, not product-based goals.

product based goal: gain 100 followers

  • vague, not in your control

process based goal: post daily and write 1 tweet per day for 30 days.

  • specific. you have the gratification of sticking with something for a WHOLE month, regardless of outcome.
  1. level up with learning!

every hero levels up-building new strengths, skills & discovering super powers.

action step: keep a log of things you learn, whether it’s a new strength you discovered, a cool book you read, or an encouragement from your friend.

Personal growth is sustainable when we make it fun.

If you don’t want a boring life, don’t set boring goals. 

You’ll stick to your habits if you actually enjoy them.

Rena Lin

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