my daily routine for getting into the creative flow state

04 February 2023

I’ve been creating online for over 3 years, grew a community of 5 thousand and published my first book. All while balancing leadership, being a student, and multiple jobs. Here’s my secret routine for how I get it all done.

the key: working in a state of flow.

working flow = high intensity + less time.

it’s enjoyable, so it makes it easier for me to stick to it.

my routine has 2 components:

curation takes place throughout the day. creation follows a more rigid timeline.

Curation=how I stay inspired & continue learning

  • I listen to a podcast/audiobook every day for at least 10 min while going on a walk
  • after, I use my IQA (Info, Quote, Action) framework to take notes on them
  • I also write down storyworthy moments from my own life & lessons I’ve learned.

Creation=consistency x joy

every morning, I journal.

Journal components (1-2-3)

  • write 1 thing I’m grateful for : motivation & track progress
  • 2 minutes of mindful prayer: cultivate a sense of awe, be refreshed, and a reminder that I’m part of something greater.
  • 3 goals: set focus for the day

then, I have a writing sprint:

  • poem (5-7 minutes): embracing my inner child, and because it’s fun. “creating just for the sake of it”. for you, you could also draw, sing, paint, whatever you enjoy.
  • atomic essay: 15 minutes. This helps me to retrieve prior information & apply it.

tips for building a writing habit:

  • give yourself permission to create “boring” for the sake of consistency. it’s ok if not everything is a shakespearan masterpiece.
  • embrace the challenge. if you expect it to be easy, you won’t get anywhere + it’ll get boring.
  • fun is not the same as easy. joy is a state of mind, not conditional on events

finally, I batch my content

this takes place in 3 stages, which can be spaced out over 1 day or throughout a week. it takes about 1 hour for a week of content.

  • 5 minute sprint (no edit rule). outline ideas, sort based on priority/interest/ past topic performance.
  • let it sit.
  • write the posts.
  • let it sit.
  • edit for clarity.

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