deep work is useless without deep rest. 3 reasons why

28 February 2023

“deep work will supercharge your productivity”

“you can get more done in 1 hour of deep work than a whole day of multitasking”

“deep work will change your life.”

deep work- everyone’s heard of it, hailed as a magic pill by all the personal growth bros of youtube.

but here’s a secret-

deep work is impossible without deep rest.

why? deep work is intense. so to keep up with it, you must rest intensely as well.

3 reasons why you need deep rest to maximize your deep work.

  1. sustain success

deep rest helps us to avoid burnout.

it doesn’t matter how fancy your 9 hour deep work session is if you can’t sustain it for more than 3 days.

  1. desirable difficulty

In Cal Newport’s book, “deep work”, he defined masters as those who practiced not the most amount of hours, but the most intensely. Mastery comes from mental practice, which is SO intense that you cannot work on it all the time. Thus, deep rest helps you recharge.

  1. inspiration

by allowing your mind to fully engage in rest & the present, you leave space to gain new inspiration. the best insight comes when you stop seeking it.

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